We got to go to the beach with some friends earlier in July without Parker. This was my first trip away from her and we went for 3 nights. It was great. We went to Dalphin Island, AL and pretty much had the beach to ourselves. They also left their boys at home so it was a very relaxing weekend. Although it was a little crazy becuase they (I guess BP) is putting up these massive sand dunes. Dalphin Island is a barrier island to Mobile Bay where there is a lot of sealife they are trying to protect. So they were dregging (sp?) the bay side of the island and bringing it to the ocean side to protect the bay. So they were very busy with the dump trucks and the walkers on the beach looking for oil while we were hanging out at the beach and on the deck watching them :)
Below are some of the crazy pictures we took while there:
Robin relaxing and reading at the beach
The sand road from the deck of the house--it was CRAZY how tall it was!
The dump truck at eye level to the deck that was like I think16 feet up from the actual beach
We were right in front of their house and this is all you could see because of the double sand dunes
This is right in front of their house and the blue tents were for the BP workers. By the time we left they put these dunes all the way in front of the house over to the sand road.
Stewart and Bebo hanging out